Thursday, October 8, 2009

Overused "Quotation Marks"

Overused quotation marks are "fantastic." Ever wondered about that "fish" at the local market? Or that "Halloween" costume at the mall? If so, then maybe you're a little like me: you love to see them and you love to see them go.
Here are some recent favorites from technical reports that have made their way across my desk (only the fourth one really meant to be sarcastic):

  • Architects are often taught the philosophy that "form follows function." (Or so it's said...)
  • Some homebuilders will engage in "value engineering" when costs are too high. (Yeah, "value")
  • A second "mini" discussion may be necessary to trim the budget. (And by "mini," I meant "huge," especially in this economy)
  • "Full" plan sets for homes are often missing critical details. (Hoping you won't notice...)
  • Some builders have an "open book" policy with their construction trades. (That's good, I think...)
  • Getting their "buy-in" on the idea is recommended. (Or is it?)

One of my favorite blogs is The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks. Check it out for more fun with quotes, because you can't help but enjoy them.

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