Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Social Media Etiquette

#    @    LOL ...are three of the web's most awkward phrases, according to Brenna Ehrlich and Andrea Bartz, the writers behind the sarcastic blog Stuff Hipsters Hate. This seems particularly true with the hashtag, an obscure symbol previously reserved for punching in numbers during customer service calls and emphasizing that your team is #1! Ehrlich and Bartz's feelings on the subject?

"You see, the majority of society—you know, the people who don't sit in front of their computers tweeting about how "Eating pancakes makes me feel like death now that I'm 30 #notakidanymore"—doesn't understand what the hell you're saying when you tack what amounts to a pound sign onto any given sentence/word in your correspondence (e-mails, etc.). In fact, they could get offended by what you think is an artfully punctuated joke."   Read more

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